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The impact of fake news on consumer confidence
Putting a spin on the truth, carefully alleging that your product 'could' stop hair loss and even 'maybe' return your thick luscious locks, is nothing new. Marketers have been doing this for years and walking the rather blurred line between the inextricable truth and the dream of a better life.
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Either way, such information, disinformation and propagation of information from businesses or conspiracy theorists, is making consumers question businesses and their motives more than ever.
Unfortunately, such precaution costs money; an investment that may not hold a great deal of value for Facebook as people will continue to use its platform, fake news or not. Added to that it's advertising revenue of $16.6 billion, putting up barriers for news and advertising isn't really in their interest, despite the waning confidence of its users and people leaving the platform altogether.
Your business in a fake news world
I'm going to let you into a little secret, something that might come as a bit of a shock in such a time of skeptics... Your customers want to trust you... They really do. In a mad world of instability, not knowing what will be changed when they next rise from bed, they want something that they can hang onto.
Of course, this is only a handful of examples of building customer trust which isn't done in a simple few steps. It is an iterative process, but by being provably honest you can side step the stigma of fake news and its influence.
faux saint laurent bag
Cómo conseguir un blackjack
Ahora que ya tienes claro cuál es el objetivo, vamos a estudiar tus posibilidades durante la partida.
Como ya hemos mencionado, cabe la posibilidad de que no tengas que hacer nada más que la apuesta inicial si es que consigues un blackjack o 21 natural con el primer reparto de cartas.
La suerte es caprichosa, así que puede que no sea tu caso y tengas que tomar la decisión de qué hacer a continuación en función de las cartas que te hayan tocado.
Bien, en primer lugar, es fundamental que sumes los valores de tus dos cartas para saber qué deberías hacer a continuación.
La emoción de ganar o perder está genial, pero mejor aún está la seguridad de que, si pierdes, no será nada catastrófico, por eso queremos hablarte del seguro.
Si al repartir las cartas, ves que la carta boca arriba del crupier es un as, puedes solicitar este seguro por si ha conseguido un blackjack.
Si, efectivamente, el crupier tiene blackjack, recogerá todas las apuestas que no lo tengan y pagará los seguros 2 a 1, pero, si no tiene blackjack, retirará el importe de los seguros.
faux saint laurent bag