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    Recently, there have been rare Hermes bags which have sold for millions of dollars, and Chanel pieces have been auctioned for upwards of $250,000. If you choose to go down the route of looking for discount designer handbags, you will find that Nordstrom usually has handbags on sale. Plus, his are definitely the kind of investment pieces that won't date, so you can wear them for years to come. Popular designer bags: Kate Spade New York Now, to save confusion, that has been incorporated into the main Marc Jacobs brand, but you'll still find handbags at varying price points. But also so many classic options that definitely won't date, no matter how long you use them. Okay, this is a small option, but it is half the price you would expect to pay for a regular size Gucci handbag. You'll find plenty of styles which will definitely stand the test of time. replica bags

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